This week we went to go visit a less-active couple named the Wigintons. They told us they joined the Church in 2008, and haven't been to church in quite some time. It was kind of an odd visit. Brother Wiginton is a really big video gamer, and he gets really distracted about all kind of random stuff (mostly Star Wars and conspiracy theories). We pretty much just got to know them a little bit, and then we asked if we could come back the next evening and practice teaching one of our lessons with them. They said that would be good, so the next day we went over again. Again, they were both somewhat distracted, and also just seemed uninterested and indifferent towards it all. We shared with them the message of the Restoration, and did our best to keep it brief and keep them engaged. They didn't seem to care much about it. I asked them if they read the scriptures regularly, to which they responded "no." In fact, Sister Wiginton told us that she has never read any of the Book of Mormon. How she ever got baptized is beyond me. We invited them to read from the scriptures each and every day, and promised them blessings for doing so. Again, they seemed very indifferent towards it all. They had previously expressed to us some difficulties they had, and we promised them that those specific challenges would be minimized when they took time each day to study God's word. They didn't seem to care. We have tried since then to follow up with them and their reading, but haven't been able to make contact. It was just an odd, unfortunate experience. But I keep praying for them and keep trying to reach out to them and help them.
We had interviews with President Sainsbury this week, and that was pretty good. There were some other missionaries there at the Russellville building where interviews were, and it was good to chat with them. One of them was Elder Langford. I don't really know him that well, and have never served around him, but he just spent the last several months in Scottsboro and so we talked and laughed a lot about that. It was fun. Another funny thing was that there was a member named Brother Mundt at the Russellville building too. He's from the Scottsboro branch and he is in charge of the Church's physical facilities for northern Alabama, so that's why he was there. It was fun to talk to him briefly. In interviews, one of the things that President talked with me about was having a solid testimony of Joseph Smith. He said he had seen too many people leave the Church on account of something to do with Joseph Smith. He told me that there is a tremendous amount of antagonistic material out there about the Church, and much of it directed toward that Prophet. (Haha yeah, I know. I'm familiar with just about all of it). So he asked me to just do what is necessary to strengthen my testimony of Joseph Smith (i.e. read Joseph Smith History and Doctrine & Covenants more often). I have a solid testimony of Joseph Smith. Every single time that I share his First Vision experience with someone, I feel the spirit testify to me that that event really did happen. I know that Joseph saw God, and he saw His Son Jesus Christ. They spoke with him. He is a true prophet. But I've have started doing, and will continue to do, what President asked me to do to strengthen my testimony of the Prophet Joseph. I invite y'all to do the same.
One super cool thing this week that I'm sure y'all are familiar with, and I'll just mention briefly, is that the Rome Temple was dedicated. It was the first time ever that all fifteen of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve met outside of the United States. Plus, they got an awesome picture in front of Thorvaldsen's Christus and apostle statues. Twas very neat. Go check it out if you haven't.
There is a lady named Barbara in our area book that was taught quite a lot and quite frequently a couple of months ago, though I have never met her. We have called and made multiple appointments with her, and we have stopped by her house with no success. We called her a few days ago and made another appointment for tonight (Monday). During the call, she informed us that she had finished reading the Book of Mormon this week. Awesome! I really hope that our appointment goes through tonight, because I am eager to meet her and talk with her about the Book of Mormon and her reading of it.
We were expecting Desi to be at church this week. She told us she would be last time we saw her, and we gave her a call on Friday I believe, and she said she would be there. We texted her on Sunday morning to remind her one more time, but she didn't show. It was a bummer. Then, she texts us back during church and says something like, "Sorry I didn't make it to church, but one of my cows was having a baby this morning." And then she sent us a picture! I did not want to see a cow giving birth, but that's what we got. It was lovely. Anyway, it was unfortunate that she wasn't able to make it to church, but I guess when your cow is having a baby, you need to be there for it. We're going up to see Desi this Tuesday to teach and talk some more. Should be good.
We were looking for an old potential in the area book last night and instead met a dude named Levi. He recently transferred to the Ramp from some divinity/theology school in Washington, D.C. He was definitely not interested in what we had to say, as evidenced by the fact that after I told him a little bit about the Book of Mormon and offered him a copy, he just stared at me and my outstretched arm for like 30 seconds before I finally put my arm down and just held onto the Book. That actually happened a couple of times haha. He was a nice guy, like many are, but they would just rather stick with what they are comfortable with, and stick with what they believe rather than embracing the possible blessings that are available to them. Here's my logic, which I shared with Levi and which I have shared with countless others: You have two options. Either the Book of Mormon is the Word of God, or it isn't. And then you have two more options after that, you can either read it or you can ignore it. Here are the results. 1) You ignore it, and it is not the Word of God - you lose nothing, you gain nothing. Nothing happens. 2) You read it, and it is not the Word of God - you lose nothing, but you have read a good book that is entertaining and that teaches you how to live a good life. You have learned some good moral principles that will help you be happy. 3) You ignore it, and it is the Word of God - you are in effect damning yourself, for the Lord has commanded that we "live by every word" which comes from His mouth. If we don't, we cannot receive all of His blessings, including the greatest blessing of all, eternal life. Alma 13:20 teaches, "Behold, the scriptures are before you; if ye will wrest them it shall be to your own destruction." 4) You read it, and it is the Word of God - when you do this, you have now unlocked the door to eternal life. It still takes effort to obtain that great gift from God, but if we don't read and live by His words (many of which are found in the Book of Mormon) then that door remains locked.
To me, and I hope to all, the choice is clear. We have absolutely everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose by reading the Book of Mormon. The apostle Paul counseled, "Prove all things; hold fast to that which is good." In the Book of Mormon, Alma taught to "experiment upon my words." Why people choose not to do so is beyond me. Just read the Book! However, in the case of Levi and many before him, we did our part. We taught and we testified. We gave him a chance to accept or reject what we offered. Going beyond that would be to infringe upon agency, and we all know whose plan that is. (I'll give you a hint - it's not God's.)
Alrighty, I figured I'd close with a scripture of the week. It comes from Ezekiel 20:29. It says, "What is the high place whereunto ye go? And the name thereof is called Bamah unto this day." Often in the scriptures, a "high place" or a mountain is synonymous with a temple. It is holy, and it is a place where people went to be close to God. Alabama, or "Bamah" as Ezekiel says, to me has been a "high place." It has been a place where I have come to love the Lord and love His children. It has been a place where I have come to love the scriptures, and strengthen my testimony. It has been a place where I have been able to help those around me to feel of the spirit, and improve their lives. It has been a place where I have seen many miracles, and has been a place that I will forever love. Wherever we are can be a "high place." We are counseled by the Lord to "stand ye in holy places." Anywhere can be a holy place when we make it holy. Let's do that. Let's make wherever we are our own personal Bamah.
Love y'all, have a good week!
Elder Beach
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