Monday, January 7, 2019

Mind Power

Hey y'all, I hope everyone has had a great week!  Things were pretty good for us, though it has still been a little bit on the slower side.  Winter break officially ended today, so we are hopeful that things will be picking up in the near future.

This week we had zone conference, and it was great to see a bunch of missionaries that I know and love.  We also had some great trainings, and there was one in particular that I really enjoyed.  President talked a lot about our thoughts, and how we need to and can control them.  He taught us an exercise to work on that I have implemented recently.  It goes like this:  Whenever you have a bad/negative thought come into your mind, just think of a scenario that you enjoy, and put yourself there.  When we do, our mind will clear of the negativity, and our stress levels will subside.  President Sainsbury said that his scenario was him on the pitcher's mound.  He talked about how he could hear the crowd, smell the leather of his glove, check the bases, see the catcher give the signal, and then wind up and chuck a 90 MPH fastball right down the pipe.  Our minds are pretty amazing, and we can (re)create incredibly vivid situations to put ourselves in.  There are several places that I could put myself in that are similar to this, but one of my favorites is to just put myself back in a spot where I was able to feel the spirit very strongly.  There were lots of lessons that I have had as a missionary that I recreated in my mind this week.  Those were really helpful to me to clear my mind when I needed to, as well as remember the many times that the spirit has spoken to me.  When I have remembered these scenarios and experiences, it has helped me to renew my testimony in a sense.  When I recreate the scene that I was a part of, I can say, "Yeah, I know this is true, I know this is good, because I remember when the spirit told me it is."  It's a cool exercise, and I invite y'all to take some time and remember those experiences, or create a unique one for yourself.  I have really enjoyed it, and I'm sure y'all will too.

We have been in a little bit of contact with guy named Garrett that was being taught before the break.  Little back story on him.  Recently, Garrett was meeting with the missionaries for a little bit, was reading the Book of Mormon, and was enjoying what was being taught.  Then, he told them that he felt God had told him to go to another church.  He also said that God had told him to keep reading the Book of Mormon.  Elder Corbett and his previous companion said to Garrett, "If God is telling you to go to another church, then you should go.  However, we know that if you keep following what God tells you to do, you will eventually come back to our church."  Garrett seemed satisfied with that answer.  Well, he's been gone for break and so the other day we messaged him and asked if he was back in town, to which he responded that he was.  We asked if he would like to attend our church service on Sunday, and he responded, "That's a no can do, I only go to one church now."  I still don't even know what church that is, but that message seemed to be like a "don't bother me anymore, I'm not going to church with you" type of response.  It was rather unfortunate.

We also invited Bo to church this week after having not been able to make contact with him recently.  He told us he had been super busy recently, as well as sick, and apologized for not being in contact.  He told us he would come to church if he felt up to it, but I guess he was still a little under the weather on Sunday.  He also cancelled our Sunday evening appointment, but he did so in a way that showed us that he really did want to meet, he just was not feeling well.  So I still have high hopes for Bo.  He's not really trying to be a flake, his life is just hectic and he's been sick.  That's too bad, but I look forward to seeing him in the near future.

This morning for P-day we went to a place called Top Golf.  It's basically like a huge driving range, but there are targets that you can aim for and score points based on what targets you hit.  It was a really cool place, and I also figured out how to fix my slice a little haha.  It's good to be in a bigger area and bigger city with cool stuff like that to do on P-day.  It's a lot of fun.

Alright, well I love y'all.  I hope that you have a great week, and are surviving the wintry western weather.  Please send a few prayers up as Alabama takes on Clemson in the national championship tonight.  They just might need them haha.  Talk to y'all next week.

Elder Beach

P-day at Top Golf.

Top Golf.

Some pictures of the area where we live.

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