Last Tuesday we had to go to Birmingham so I could see the endocrinologist. Everything is fine and I'm still alive so that was good. We also had to grab Elder Vanderhoff's bike from the shop in Hoover while we were down that way. It had been in the shop for like 2 or 3 weeks and they told us that it would finally be done on Tuesday. So we went in at like 11 after the doctor to see if they were done. We were told that it would be finished "later that afternoon." So we decided to do a little store contacting/shoe shopping at Dick' s Sports. There are basically no places to buy shoes in Attalla, so that worked out nice. I got a nice pair of shoes, and after hours longer than was necessary, we finally got the bike and headed home. It was a fairly uneventful day.
Wednesday and Thursday we had an exchange in Gadsden and I went with Elder Quayle. I had already done an exchange with him a few months ago in Montgomery, but we went and worked and had a good time. We met a lady who talked to us for like an hour about the demons that live in her house. It was pretty weird. She asked us what our thoughts were on that. I told her something like, "Well, I don't want to place blame on you or anyone else, but it is my understanding that evil spirits or feelings or things like that cannot usually enter an environment without in a way being invited in. And they are invited in by contentious behavior, and by people who are not keeping God's commandments." That is the case with us all. When we keep the commandments, and when we love God and our neighbor, we have the Spirit with us. And when we choose to not do those things, we cause the Spirit to leave and sometimes cause evil to be felt. It may or may not be as dramatic as this lady was describing, but the principle is the same in every situation. Moral: keep the commandments, and you keep the Spirit with you always.
We also met this guy in the hood on the exchange and we were just talking to him on his porch. After a minute of talking he asks me, "Do you want a smart watch?" I just kinda sat there and didn't respond, thinking he might want me to buy one or something. But he quickly just grabs one out of his pocket and hands it to me. He said, "I promise it ain't stolen or nothing." Haha I hope not. It's not super nice, but hey, that was cool. So now I have a smart watch. It can't do much because you have to have a certain app on your phone to use most of the features and our phones block just about everything, but it's cool nonetheless.
We saw Daniel on Saturday and taught him the Word of Wisdom. He said that it really made sense and he made the commitment to live it. He's never really had major issues with it - he just drinks tea and coffee - but those are a lot easier to quit than tobacco or other stronger things, so he should do fine. He is such an easy guy to teach. He just soaks everything up and loves learning about everything. He spends lots of time reading in the gospel library, and everything we teach just clicks with him. It's so awesome. Unfortunately, he didn't come to church this week though. When we saw him Saturday morning he was about out of energy, and he told us on Sunday that his Saturday night was really busy and taxing at work. He told us that he basically slept all day Sunday. That was too bad, but at least he's been as many times as he has, is comfortable with and friends with many members, and is still ready to be baptized on October 13. We're excited for him.
We also went and saw Ruby this week to help her paint a birdhouse that she has in her yard. She is such a funny lady, and she is excited to be baptized as well. She has set a date for October 21. That is the day that her family and friends can make it, and so that's when it will be. That day is a long time in the making, and it's a blessing to be a part of.
We met a lady tracting last night. She was really open and we were able to just teach her briefly about the Restoration and make a time next week when we can see her again. She just kept telling us over and over about how it was such great timing that we came to her house that night and how she just needed God in her life a little bit more. Hey, that's what we're here for! Hopefully we can continue teaching her in the future.
We also met another lady last night who spent like 20+ minutes telling us that Jesus was God, and basically that God the Father wasn't really a person because Jesus is him. Anyway, after her little bout of false doctrine, I just asked her, "Okay, so then who did Jesus pray to while he was on earth?" Now I've heard plenty of incorrect principles that people believe, but she responded with something I had never heard before. She said, "Jesus never actually prayed, he was just quoting scripture." What? Yeah that's completely false. Anyway, we basically just left her with our testimonies of the Book of Mormon and how it is the Book that will prepare the world for the Savior's second coming. And also how when we read it we can understand true principles about God and his Son, Jesus Christ. Whether or not she ever reads the Book is up to her, but we taught and testified to the best of our ability in between her rude interruptions every 5 seconds. That's about the best we can do.
In Elders Quorum this week we read a talk from the October 1983 General Conference by Bruce R. McConkie titled,"What Think Ye of the Book of Mormon?" It is one if the more straightforward, you-need-to-do-this-or-else type of talks I have heard in a long time. Elder McConkie basically tells that it is impossible to follow the Lord, impossible to understand His will and do it, impossible to be saved in the highest degree, impossible to receive all the blessings that the Lord wants for us to receive, without reading, understanding, accepting, and living the principles taught in the Book or Mormon. If we reject that Book, we reject salvation. It was quite the talk, and I invite y'all the check it out on your own or for a FHE or something. I add my testimony to Elder McConkie that the Book of Mormon is truly the word of God. It came forth the way that the Prophet Joseph said it came forth, and it was brought to light in our day to convince all that Jesus is the Christ, and that all those who will come unto him and obey the laws and ordinances of his gospel may be saved. What a great blessing the Book of Mormon is. Let us not take it for granted.
I told y'all about a few people last week that we never were able to find at home or catch at a good time. Hazel, Cathy, and the other Cathy were some of those. Andrea pushed our Skype visit with her missionary son to next Monday, so we will do that then. Sorry for the bummer update on those people, but that's how it goes sometimes.
Love y'all! Have a great week! Happy birthday again to Jayden last week, Addi today, and Dad tomorrow. Love you guys. Mom too! Talk to y'all next week.
Elder Beach
The birdhouse we helped Ruby paint.
Exchanges and golf with the Gadsden Elders.
A cute little girl from our branch.